Hod Hasharon Residence / Shpigel Architects
The Hod Hasharon Residence is positioned in the center of a square plot and built with the concept of an exposed concrete cube housing the floors of the rooms, enveloped in a bright, airy shell
The Hod Hasharon Residence is positioned in the center of a square plot and built with the concept of an exposed concrete cube housing the floors of the rooms, enveloped in a bright, airy shell
This existing 4,000sf cottage style home, built in the 1980s, was an ideal opportunity for an international family to make California their new home.
With clean lines and minimal finishes, the structure recedes into the background, providing a complimentary place to come home to for a family who are always on the move.
In this four-story 1850s brownstone designed for a fashion designer, an art consultant and their children, a premium was placed on the way the space and interiors felt, first and foremost.
The Gable and Plane House nestles into its Northeast Kingdom mountainside, and takes in views from the forest uphill and the White Mountains downhill. The project’s forms are both elegant and practical
In one of the old buildings of the Valencian Ensanche is this typical home whose intervention highlights the purest essence of modernist craftsmanship and respect for existing materials.
The Linden Grove residence is a modern interpretation of local agricultural and rural architecture, located on a large lot in a treelined neighborhood in Boulder.
47-49 Greene Street, a 6-story building between Broome and Grand Street in the landmarked district of SoHo, is an extant example of the mixed iron-and-masonry construction of the post-Civil war period.