
High Line – Moynihan Connector

High Line – Moynihan Connector, New York City

The High Line – Moynihan Connector, designed by Skidmore, Owings & Merrill and Field Operations, is a key piece in creating safer, more enjoyable pedestrian access in Manhattan. Led by Empire State Development, Brookfield Properties, and Friends of the High Line, the project connects Moynihan Train Hall, Brookfield’s Manhattan West, and the historic High Line.

High-altitude suspension bridge made of glass opens in Hunan, China

A high-altitude suspension bridge with glass-bottomed opened Thursday in China. The bridge spans the gap between two cliffs at the Shiniuzhai National Geological Park in Pingjiang County, Hunan province, and is thought to be the highest glass-bottomed bridge in the country. The bridge, called “Haohan Qiao” in Chinese, spans a 300-metre canyon and is 180 metres

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