Czech Republic

Cottage in Šumava / Markéta Cajthamlová Studio

Cottage in Šumava / Markéta Cajthamlová Studio

Located within the pristine Šumava National Park in Northern Italy, the Cottage in Šumava by Markéta Cajthamlová Studio adheres to strict building regulations while seamlessly blending with its surroundings. The architects chose a traditional cottage form to maximize the stunning views of the Šumava saddle and the intricate birch roots nearby.

The Forgotten Barn / Karnet Architekti

The Forgotten Barn / Karnet Architekti

The Forgotten Barn by Karnet Architekti is more than just a renovated building; it’s a harmonious blend of past and present. Václav and Marie have created a space where history is honored, and modern living thrives. This project showcases how thoughtful design can preserve cherished memories while providing a beautiful and functional home for future generations.

Mlékárenská Apartment / RDTH Architekti

Mlékárenská Apartment / RDTH Architekti

What truly matters for a fulfilling life? How much mental space do our possessions occupy? In a quest to embrace simplicity, RDTH Architekti transformed the Mlékárenská Apartment into a minimalist haven that balances privacy with communal spaces in a compact 74 m² layout.

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