The Link Between the Car World and This Home?
This house doesn’t have many walls, and instead has huge showcases. Where there are walls, those were covered with aluminum coating that is representative of the car world.
This house doesn’t have many walls, and instead has huge showcases. Where there are walls, those were covered with aluminum coating that is representative of the car world.
This private property, owned by a couple in their 30s and their three young children, underwent a significant renovation planned and managed by interior designer Karen Maimon.
When the architect Lilian Ben Shoham came to see the apartment she intended to purchase, Lilian had already planned how it would look and what exactly she would do to make her home the way she liked it.
The Pastoral Garden Duplex is a good example of how a house, or an apartment, should be faithful to the lifestyles of those who live in it, even if the planning different from what is customary.
This plot was bought by the owners with the view of building their first private property on it and creating a modern and cozy home for their family of six.
Thanks to Architect Itsik Niv, who skillfully created an experiential living environment deep in the heart of one of the most pastoral villages in the Sharon region, Israel.