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Lucas Lage Apartment in Belo Horizonte, Brazil

Lucas Lage Apartment in Belo Horizonte, Brazil

In the vibrant Lourdes neighborhood of Belo Horizonte, Brazil, architect Lucas Lage transformed his 300-square-meter apartment into a modern masterpiece. Completed in May 2022, this project, known as the Lucas Lage Apartment, blends contemporary design with carefully curated furnishings, integrating the old with the new.

Campinas Apartment / Alexandre Dal Fabbro

Campinas Apartment / Alexandre Dal Fabbro

In the heart of Jardins, São Paulo, a sophisticated renovation project known as the Campinas Apartment has transformed an aging living space into a modern, airy, and functional home. Spearheaded by the talented architect Alexandre Dal Fabbro, with project management by Ana Luisa Abreu and collaboration from Mayara Marques

living area

Mercury Towers Apartment / studio NiCHE

The design process required us to strike a delicate balance between innovation and functionality. Zaha Hadid’s architectural vision for Mercury Towers—marked by fluid lines and bold structural elements—demanded an interior design that could match its sophistication while providing comfortable, livable spaces.

living room

Praia Brava Duplex Penthouse: A Luxurious Retreat in Itajaí

Nestled in the picturesque Praia Brava of Itajaí, Santa Catarina, the 760m² Praia Brava Duplex Penthouse designed by Simara Mello is a stunning retreat for a couple with two young daughters. This luxurious residence was conceived as a private oasis, seamlessly blending relaxation and sociability within its spacious, informal design.

Upgrade the Look of Your Home: Simple Ways to Increase Your House's Visual Appeal

Revitalize Your Home: Easy Tips to Boost Visual Appeal

From time to time, you might feel that your house needs an upgrade. Maybe you’ve become bored with the current design? Or just fancy a little refresh? However, you might fear going for a total makeover as this can be daunting and come with a hefty price tag.

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