landscape design

How to Build a Retaining Wall in Your Yard

How to Build a Retaining Wall in Your Yard

A retaining wall installed in your yard is quite functional, beautiful, and great for handling slopes, preventing erosion, and adding structure to your landscape. You may want to create flat planting beds, support a garden terrace, or simply introduce into your yard a unique aesthetic element.

Sports Aesthetics for Urban Landscape

Tianjin 4A Sports Park / Ballistic Architecture Machine

Ballistic Architecture Machine (BAM), a multidisciplinary design firm with offices in Beijing, Shanghai, and New York, continues to challenge conventional ideas about urban landscapes. Their latest project, Tianjin 4A Sports Park, is an action-packed design for a sports park in a mega port city in China.

Perfect Spring Lawn Care: How to in 4 Steps

Perfect Spring Lawn Care: How to in 4 Steps

Spring lawn care can be tiring, but it’s crucial for keeping your home looking impressive. Especially if you’re considering entering your home into the marketplace anytime soon, you’ll need a lean that stuns passersby.

Lantana plant

9 Garden Plants That Are Perfect For Hot Climates

Get your garden off to a good start with hardy plants that can tolerate extreme sun and heat for extended periods. While you may need a nursery and greenhouse to get them started, the following species will enjoy the hotter climes where you live once they mature.

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