Mumbai apartments

Pastel Paradise / Tushar Mistry Design Studio

Pastel Paradise Apartment / Tushar Mistry Design Studio

The Pastel Paradise Apartment by Tushar Mistry Design Studio is a stunning reflection of a close friendship and a deep understanding of a client’s personality. With no formal design brief, the owner, a good friend of architect Tushar Mistry, trusted him entirely to create a space that not only suited the family’s lifestyle but also embodied their love for Art Deco, pastels, and grandeur.

living room

Urbano Zen Apartment by Naksh Design Studio

Urbano Zen Apartment, an exquisite residence designed by Naksh Design Studio, is located in the prestigious Carmichael Road area of Mumbai. The vision for this apartment was to create a multipurpose space that is light on the eye, simple, functional, and uncluttered.

Bandra Apartment in Mumbai, Architecture BRIO

Bandra Apartment in Mumbai / Architecture BRIO

The Bandra apartment is designed with an adaptable and open arrangement. Re-moving dispensable walls between rooms and replacing them with objects optimizes space. By opening and closing, sliding and folding it up, the home is restructured, expanded, fragmented, connected or isolated.

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