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The Costs of Delaying Foundation Repair

Repair and Protect Your Foundation / Foundation Repair

Over the years of owning your home, you’ve most likely come across a few cracks in your foundation. Usually, these cracks are a product of the foundation’s concrete drying when it was first placed—they’re harmless. But if there’s water leaking through those cracks or those cracks have started to widen, there’s a good chance that those cracks are actually the result of foundation damage.

The thought might come that it isn’t much of a concern. A few drops of water or a visible crack in basement floor might not seem to be doing much to you or your home at first, but foundation problems never go away on their own. Over time, these foundation problems will lead to even more damage and costlier repairs. That’s why foundation repairs should always be addressed promptly.

Let’s have a look at the possible consequences of delaying your foundation repair…

Widening Cracks

If you notice your foundation cracks widening, it could be due to varying causes. Widening cracks running across your interior basement wall could be a sign of a bowing wall due to external pressure. But a foundation crack could also be because of house settlement as your foundation sinks. Either of these would need a solution to reinforce and stabilize your foundation. Allowing these problems to persist will only lead to wider cracks and potentially compromise the structural integrity of your home. For example, if you have a sinking foundation and it doesn’t get addressed, your home may start to exhibit some of these symptoms…

· Leaning or tilting chimney
· Uneven floors
· Cracks in the walls or around the door frames in your living spaces
· Sticking Windows or Doors

Along with indicating that the problem is getting worse, it also means more repairs.

The Costs of Delaying Foundation Repair

Water Leaking Through the Foundation Cracks

Maybe you’ve noticed some water leaking through the cracks in your foundation, such as when it rains. What’s happening is that when there’s a lot of external pressure caused by water sitting against your foundation, it will cause the water to move through those cracks and into your basement or crawlspace. Not only can this lead to problems inside your lower level, but it can also lead to further damage to your foundation as that same water and moisture causes the concrete to deteriorate further. Various problems can be caused by both water as it’s leaking through your foundation as well as when it evaporates and adds to the humidity of your lower-level space.

Here are some other problems that can arise from letting water and moisture enter through your foundation cracks…

· Mold growth
· Increased humidity in your home’s living spaces as the air below rises up
· Water damage to belongings and equipment
· Structural damage to your home’s wooden structures
· Pests such as termites and dust mites

Again, these additional problems will mean extra costs to repair and restore your home.

Water Leaking Through the Foundation Cracks

How Much Does It Cost to Repair My Foundation?

Your foundation repair will depend on a variety of factors, including what cracks your foundation may have, what’s causing those cracks, and what additional problems may be contributing to your foundation’s condition. A sinking foundation, for example, may require a solution such as foundation piering to prevent further settlement. Meanwhile, a bowing foundation wall that’s leaking water into your basement through a crack may require a different kind of support solution along with waterproofing basement walls and the entire space.

The most important thing to do, for your home and your wallet, is to contact a foundation specialist as soon as possible to get the situation resolved before it gets worse. In these kinds of situation, time is money!

Repair and Protect Your Foundation with a Professional Solution

Along with getting the foundation repair you need it is also important to have the right preventative measures in place to keep your foundation from experiencing the same problems again. So long as the problem source exists, it will always keep coming back. The earlier example of a leaky bowing foundation wall is one such situation where multiple solutions will be required to stabilize the foundation wall while also dealing with the water pressure against your foundation wall.

To make sure that your foundation gets the solutions it needs, it’s highly recommended that you contact a professional foundation repair contractor. Be sure to find one that has many years of experience, many good reviews, and a strong warranty to back their services.

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