

Hotel Rumour / Studio Modijefsky

Located near the iconic Burcht van Leiden castle, Studio Modijefsky designed Hotel Rumour by transforming a historic carriage house from 1657 into a vibrant social hub. Despite its name, Hotel Rumour is not a place for sleeping but offers spaces for dining, drinks, private gatherings, and even dance nights.

main dining area

Il Carpaccio Restaurant / FJ55 Arquitetos

Il Carpaccio Restaurant accommodates 140 guests, offering a rich dining experience enhanced by a contemporary take on classic Italian architecture. The restrooms, adorned with paintings inspired by Italian frescoes and Brazilian flora, further add to the restaurant’s inviting atmosphere.


Louie Castle Sycamore Hotel, Chengdu

The Louie Art Castle in Chengdu, meticulously designed by French architect Anthony Béchu and with interior design by Cheng Chung Design (CCD), is a modern homage to French classical architecture. Over a decade in the making, this project mirrors the grandeur of the Château de Fontainebleau

Bursa Bar by Mirzoyan Studio

Bursa Bar by Mirzoyan Studio

Bursa Bar exemplifies the seamless integration of contemporary Japanese aesthetics with a passion for music and social interaction. Located in the heart of Kyiv, this unique venue offers a warm and inviting space where vinyl enthusiasts, musicians, and cocktail lovers can gather to enjoy an immersive sensory experience.


Wuhan Qushui-Lanting Resort Hotel by DJX Design

The Wuhan Qushui-Lanting Resort Hotel is a testament to the power of thoughtful design in creating spaces that transcend time and place, offering guests a unique journey through the vast history of the Earth while providing a tranquil and restorative experience.

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