HomeWorldDesign - Architecture and Interior Design


House C3: a Modern Delicately Detailed and Proportioned House

Project: House C3 Architects: Campbell Architecture Location: Sydney, NSW, Australia Area 196.0 sqm Photographs: Justin Alexander House C3 is a project recently completed by Sydney-based Campbell Architecture Studio. The project was selected for the Australian House of the Year 2015. House C3 continues our exploration of traditional form used in contemporary manner. In this case

A DIY Prototype of a Family House in Posazavi

Designed by A69 Architectural Studio, this DIY prototype of a family house is built in a former granite quarry in Posázaví, Czech Republic. The purpose of this built project is to check structural, typological, and user qualities of the prototype.

Dawesville House: An Alterations and Additions Project by Archterra

Architect: Archterra Architects Project: Dawesville House Status: completed late 2015 Location: Dawesville, Western Australia Photographer: Douglas Mark Black Dawesville House is a weatherboard cottage redesigned by Archterra Studio in Dawesville, Western Australia. Description by Archterra: Located in a small coastal holiday town south of Perth, this alterations and additions project aims to upgrade an existing

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