
Narbon Villa / Gera Studio Architects

Narbon Villa / Gera Studio Architects

Narbon Villa by Gera Studio Architects nestles within a pomegranate garden in historic Kerman, Iran. The design pays homage to the region’s rich heritage, which dates back to 224–241 CE. The architects preserved the original thatched wall of the garden and built a new wall behind it.


Villa Alley / Dall Office

Villa Alley by Dall Office offers a unique take on modern villa design by addressing two central challenges: organizing the internal layout and harmonizing the building with its natural surroundings.

Samon Villa / NaP studio

Samon Villa / NaP Studio

The idea of the project is to preserve the ground floor as a platform for the formation of various activities in the dimensions of the entire project site. The mass and the internal spaces are suspended on the floor

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