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Loft Kolasiński

House in Gumieńce: Interior Design of a 100 Year Old House

The “House in Gumieńce” was completed recently by Loft Kolasinski Studio. The house is located in Gumieńce neighborhood, Szczecin (Poland). The project included interior design of a 100 year old house after its expansion and modernization. In addition, it required designing a fireplace and a staircase connecting the three levels. Most of the furniture were designed and built

Charismatic Loft Apartment in an Old Marmalade Factory

This charismatic loft was recently completed by Loft Kolasinski, a interior design firm based in Szczecin, Poland (north of Berlin). Our project was done in a former warehouse of a marmalade factory, which operated before World War II in Szczecin (Poland). The project involved reconstruction of one of the open spaces for an apartment divided into

Summer Flat near Berlin with Vintage Polish, Czech and Danish Furniture

Loft Kolasinski Studio have recently completed this summer flat located near Berlin, Germany. For this project they used vintage Polish, Czech and Danish furniture, lighting and textiles. Designer Jacek Kolasiński mixed them with self designed furniture. Interior design, rebuilding project, design and construction of part of the furniture, restoration of part of the furniture: Loft Kolasinski Studio Photography: Karolina

Oak Furniture Handmade Using Traditional Methods

“Public Project” is a collection of oak furniture designed and manufactured by Polish studio Loft Kolasiński. Description by Loft Kolasinski: On DMY Berlin 2015 we showed our first furniture collection called “Public Project” and few days ago we had an opportunity to made a photo session of the collection in Szczecin Philharmonic. This amazing building got

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