HomeWorldDesign - Architecture and Interior Design


London Industrial Loft / Francesco Meneghello

This raw and brutal space, carved with lights and shadows, inspired an approach to multiply suggestions through minimal details, composing a narrative that is never unique but free and multifaceted.

RCB Loft, Merida / Ápiron

RCB Loft, Merida / Ápiron

The RCB Loft, arises from the need of a young client who was looking for a new space to live. The land was the first starting point for the design of the house, a rectangular land measuring 11.00 by 20.00 meters with a front facing north.

Loft on Life / Crippa e Assis Arquitetura

Loft on Life / Crippa e Assis Arquitetura

Architects Maria Alice Crippa and Gustavo Assis, realized that the role of the house also interferes in stimulating the sensations, which are responsible for providing this inner reunion. From this perspective, we idealized LOFT ON LIFE, an affective welcoming space, to embrace and bring comfort through the senses.

The Loft at Taliesin West, Scottsdale, Arizona

The Loft at Taliesin West, Scottsdale, Arizona

Carrying on the tradition of student-built desert shelters at Frank Lloyd Wright’s Taliesin West, ‘The Loft’ was designed, constructed, and inhabited as a final year thesis project at The School of Architecture at Taliesin.

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