weekend house

entry hall

Fazenda Boa Vista House / Ana Weege

Fazenda Boa Vista House by Ana Weege is a spacious retreat located in a gated community in the interior of São Paulo. Designed as a weekend haven, the house welcomes family and friends with its open, integrated layout. The project aims to create a large porch-like atmosphere, where every room offers a view of the entire space and the garden beyond.

Icicle Creek Cabin / CAST Architecture

Icicle Creek Cabin / CAST Architecture

Icicle Creek Cabin by CAST Architecture is a high-mountain, off-grid retreat located on a private inholding in the Wenatchee National Forest. Built to thrive in heavy snowfall and extreme temperature swings, the cabin sits on an unwooded knoll to protect the existing site. Its design is pragmatic, durable, and energy efficient.

Weekend House in Bohemian Paradise / NEW HOW architects

Weekend House in Bohemian Paradise / NEW HOW Architects

Nestled on the picturesque outskirts of Hrubá Skála, this modern weekend house seamlessly blends into the idyllic landscape of the Bohemian Paradise Protected Landscape Area. Designed with deep respect for the region’s rich history and natural beauty, the house serves as a tranquil retreat, fostering a close connection with its surroundings.

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