Salmela Architect

David Salmela FAIA

About Salmela Architect

David Salmela FAIA practices in Duluth, Minnesota. He has worked in Architecture since 1969 and has lived in Minnesota all of his life. Projects which represent his broad assembly of work are Brandenburg’s Ravenwood Studio in Ely, MN and the Emerson Sauna in rural Duluth, MN. They both won National AIA Honor Awards for Architecture in 1998 and 2005, respectively. Also, a 2005 National AIA Honor Award winner for Regional and Urban Design was the Jackson Meadow Development in Marine on St. Croix, Minnesota. Recently, the Yingst Pavilion was awarded a 2011 National AIA Small Projects Award and the Bagley Classroom Building an AIA 2012 COTE Top Ten Green Projects Award for the Finest Sustainable Projects in the United States.

LOCATION: Duluth, Minnesota


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