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Funky and Unique Furniture for Children Room by Judson Beaumont

Funky and Unique Furniture for Children Room by Judson Beaumont

Judson Beaumont is a Vancouver designer with over 27 years of career in this field, who attended the Emily Carr Institute of Art and Design and graduated in 1985. He opened his own furniture company called Straight Line Design. Beaumont is not just a simple designer; it’s the one who can really turn your fantasy into witty, funky and unique furniture. His work is known all over the world from Mexico all the way to Dubai or Tokyo.

He crafted collections for Disney and he placed his wonderland furniture in children’s hospitals, airports waiting rooms. He had lots of expositions all over the world. Although most of his work is for children he doesn’t like to be considered just a “children furniture designer” because his more than that, always looking to push the limits over and over. He never thinks it can’t be done, always moving on the next thing bolder and with more character than before.

The most important thing about his furniture is that it’s all about fun, like one of Dr Seuss world; furniture who comes to life, armoires with hands and hips, legs and eyes or cabinets that curve to lean playfully back on the floor. He has a very diverse creative approaches, never stuck in the same style. He is looking for his customers to come with ideas no matter how wild and impossible it seems at that time. That’s why his pieces are unique and full of colourful statement.

Funky and Unique Furniture for Children Room by Judson Beaumont
One of his marvellous pieces is the dresser with drawers blasted on a wall, like an explosion “Boom!”. It all looks so real but functional too. It’s very unusual and out of one’s fantasy.
fairy tale furniture
This piece is an every girl’s dream, fairy tale furniture. A “must have” in children bedroom. The minute you see it, your mind goes to fairy-land or one of those miniature musical display decoration for Christmas that sing and move in the same time. Here the colours are absolutely amazing and the details too.
furniture for kids
This one is very unusual and very graphic, colourful and playful. The designer likes challenges and always experiments with new materials; this time is fiberglass. The fact that he could mix the fiberglass with birch plywood is even more amazing. You can easily make your child fell in love with the one vegetable that never eats at dinner time by just placing this unit in their room.

Funky and Unique Furniture for Children Room by Judson Beaumont

Funky and Unique Furniture for Children Room by Judson Beaumont

Funky and Unique Furniture for Children Room by Judson Beaumont

Funky and Unique Furniture for Children Room by Judson Beaumont

Funky and Unique Furniture for Children Room by Judson Beaumont

Funky and Unique Furniture for Children Room by Judson Beaumont

Funky and Unique Furniture for Children Room by Judson Beaumont

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