Cast Studio

David Barr Architects

About Cast Studio

David Barr Architects have always been about more than one person, with a team of people collaborating on every project, so it is with excitement that we announce the change to our trading name and branding. We are now known as Cast Studio.

At Cast Studio we believe that how we work is as important as what we make, that our inclusive and dynamic process makes better buildings. We know from experience that successful architecture is borne from strong collaborations – Between clients, architects, consultants, and communities. We regularly work with the experts in their fields, facilitating and leading complex projects that require strategic thinking and innovative solutions.

Outstanding architecture responds to the complex demands of contemporary life with a holistic response created through nimble thinking. We identify problems and then work collaboratively to find the solutions. We think laterally and with simultaneous focus on the big picture and the smallest details.

We are a service-focused practice committed to a process of ongoing dialogue with clients through meetings, emails and letters, drawings, models, and discussion. These actions make up the cornerstone of our involvement during every stage of the design and construction.

We practice at the intersection of old and new, working in a federation building but running our servers from the cloud. We work comfortably with both traditional and digital technologies, our projects moving between hand drawing, balsa modelling, digital drafting, and 3D printing.

LOCATION: Fremantle, WA and Canberra, ACT / Australia

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