Pérez Palacios Arquitectos Asociados

In Pérez Palacios Arquitectos Asociados we are always searching for alternatives that prove to be not only functional but also provocative. Innovating with a contemporary architectonic language, we create original and coherent architecture; meeting the user’s needs meanwhile contributing to improve the quality of the natural and built environment. We also acknowledge the importance of the non-built space, the voids in Architecture. The sensorial virtues of the empty space, seeking to enhance this qualities in each project we design.

Pablo Pérez Palacios. Mexico City, 1980. Completed previous studies in Florence Itlay to later performing architectural studies in Universidad Iberoamericana (UIA) in Mexico City and Universidad Politécnica de Cataluña in Barcelona (ETSAB) from 2000 to 2005.

LOCATION: Mexico City
LEARN MORE: ppaa.mx

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