HomeWorldDesign - Architecture and Interior Design


Viczonecode Villa: A Modern Tropical Retreat in Ho Chi Minh City

The Viczonecode Villa, nestled in a new residential area 20km east of downtown Ho Chi Minh City, serves as the idyllic home for a young family of five. This area, characterized by low population density and abundant green spaces, provides the perfect backdrop for a residence that merges personal elements of the homeowners with the principles of tropical architecture.

Domaine de Gory / TAUTEM Architecture

Domaine de Gory: Transforming a Sheepfold into a Rural Cottage

Domaine de Gory, a project by TAUTEM Architecture in Haute-Loire, Chambon-sur-Lignon, stands as a testament to eco-responsible tourism and local craftsmanship. Known as the “Terre des Justes” (Righteous Among the Nations), this region now hosts a subtly restructured and newly constructed property that encourages guests to reconnect with nature.

kitchen, Courtfield Road Attic

Courtfield Road Attic / Urban Projects Bureau

Urban Projects Bureau has transformed an existing attic space in Kensington into a vibrant new residential unit for a young family. This minimalist design creates a dynamic multi-level living environment, incorporating sculpted voids and carefully curated internal views.

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