Gibeon photography

living room

Bozeman Split-Level House / Open Studio Collective

In the transformative renovation of their Bozeman split-level house, Allison Bryan, founder and creative director of Woman-Owned Open Studio Collective, and Nicolas Smith collaborated with dear friends and the local design community to infuse the space with unique elements.

Missoula Hillside Residence / MMW Architects

Missoula Hillside Residence / MMW Architects

The Missoula Hillside Residence is composed of three distinct gable roofed volumes connected by a glass entry hall. Each volume holds a distinct function and is positioned to capture and frame incredible views of the surrounding mountains and valleys.

Crescent House in Wyoming by Carney Logan Burke Architects 1

Crescent House in Wyoming by Carney Logan Burke Architects

Located on a 40-acre site at the base of the Teton Range in northwest Wyoming, this 6,500-square-foot house is situated atop a gently sloping knoll inhabited by a mature aspen grove. The Crescent house is situated to take advantage of panoramic views of the mountain range and a framed view of the Grand Teton is visible through an opening in the trees.

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