Quebec Country House Consisting of Two Stacked Volumes
This Quebec country house is characterized by two stacked volumes; a wooden clad volume anchored into the mountain supports a cantilevering ground floor volume above.
This Quebec country house is characterized by two stacked volumes; a wooden clad volume anchored into the mountain supports a cantilevering ground floor volume above.
We chose to make a low rise house, mostly one-storey, whose sinuous shape is guided by the nature that surrounds it. The building itself folds, opens and tightens like a river digging its bed.
Located on the shores of Lake Memphremagog in the Eastern Townships, the House Lachance is a secondary residence designed for two clients who are native to the region, and currently oscillate between Montreal and Magog.
Alain Carle Architect completed the design and development of La Héronnière, a sustainable modern home in Wentworth-Nord, Québec, Canada. With low impact design, La Héronnière’s conceptual approach proposes an interpretation of the notion of recycling.