Brazil houses

FQ House / Rodra Architecture

FQ House, São Paulo / Rodra Architecture

FQ House, designed by Rodra Architecture, represents a transformation that is much more than just a change of address. For the owners, who previously split their lives between São Paulo and New York in urban apartments, the move marked a significant shift.

C5 Residence, Brazil / Martin Arquitetura + Engenharia

C5 Residence, Brazil / Martin Arquitetura + Engenharia

In the C5 Residence, the users’ choices and preferences configure the personality and functionality of this home. The main residents, a 9-year-old girl and a 6-year-old boy, when asked what they would like the new house, were quick to say, “We want a garden to play with!”

Planar House, Studio mk27 13

Planar House / Studio MK27

Planar House is a radical exercise in horizontality, aspect commonly explored in the projects of the studio. Discreetly inserted in the highest point of the plot and favoring the existing topography, its presence is most strongly felt in the footprint rather than volumetrically. An extensive line in an open landscape.

Mantiqueira House by Una Arquitetos

Mantiqueira House, São Bento do Sapucaí / Una Arquitetos

Mantiqueira House is a private residence designed by Una Arquitetos, an association of architects formed in 1996 by the Architecture and Urbanism College, University of São Paulo. The house is built on top of Mantiqueira, a 500 km mountain range that crosses the states of São Paulo, Minas Gerais and Rio de Janeiro.

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