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Garden House Under a ‘Hanging-Basket’ Roof / Hayhurst

Garden House is a new home, studio and gallery under a ‘hanging-basket’ roof for Whitaker Malem: the artist and costume-maker duo behind works by Allen Jones, fashion designers Hussein Chalayan and Alexander McQueen and numerous film costumes including Harry Potter, Batman and Wonderwoman.

Zighizaghi Urban Garden by OFL Architecture

Project: Zighizaghi Urban Garden Architects: OFL Architecture Team project: Francesco Lipari and Giuseppe Conti Construction: Falegnameria Leto srl, Lavorazioni metalliche Grano, Vivai Garlisi, GBR di Baldo srl Area: 320 sqm Location: Favara, Sicily, Italy Photographs: Giuseppe Guarneri and Riccio Blu Zighizaghi is a multi-sensorial urban garden created by OFL Architecture that stems from a collaboration

Terrace House in Paddington / Aileen Sage Architects

A new house designed by architect Amelia Holliday for her family (husband David Lakes, daughter Aoife and dogs Ciara and Audrey). Located in the Paddington Conservation area it reinterprets the classic terrace house typology that characterizes much of the surrounding area.

Trevose House Has a Garden Veranda Wrapped Around It Like a Spiral

Project: Trevose House Architect: AD Lab Pte Ltd Location: Singapore Completed 2015 Trevose house is a home for a large family, designed by Singapore-based AD Lab Pte Ltd. Description by AD Lab Pte: Situated at a corner junction in a lushly planted residential neighbourhood in Singapore, the Trevose semi detached house, although featuring prominently on

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