Paul Hermes photography

Wye River House

Wye River House / Matt Goodman Architecture Office – MGAO

This project is a private residence located in Wye River, a small coastal town located along the Great Ocean Road in Victoria. The project was one of three Probono projects undertaken by MGAO after the 2015 Bushfires. Our clients have a long historical connection to the Wye River, with a family connection to a man named Paddy Harrington, one of the original builders who constructed many of the town’s early Fibro Beach Shacks.

Otago Bay House Topology Studio

Otago Bay House / Topology Studio

Located on a lazy bend of the Derwent River in Hobart, this house accentuates the drama of living on the water’s edge. Connections with the landscape oscillate between enclosure and embrace. A courtyard, a colonnade, ledges and terraces soften the distinction between house and landscape with a series of steps and paths.

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