Rural Design Architects

Newbattle House: Extension of a 19th Century Stable Block to Form an Artist Studio

Newbattle House: Extension of a 19th Century Stable Block to Form an Artist Studio

The project at Newbattle House has seen the renovation and extension of a 19th century stable block to form an artist studio and family garden room. Although the stable building itself is not listed, the adjacent church, former manse and boundary wall are all B-listed meaning a sensitive intervention was required.


Tinhouse: Rural House on the Isle of Skye / Scotland

Tinhouse is located on the northwestern tip of the Isle of Skye, on a steeply sloping site overlooking The Minch, the body of water separating the Inner and Outer Hebrides. This rural house was completed in 2016 by the Rural Design Architects. The project is an essay in landscape, economy, construction and imagination which shares the

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