rural tourism

1699 Farmer House Redesigned for Modern Rural Tourism

1699 Farmer House Redesigned for Modern Rural Tourism

Project: A House for Modern Rural Tourism Architects: Escritório de Arquitetos Location: Linhares, Portugal Architect in Charge: Nuno Flores Engineering: BO Associados Area 120.0 sqm Photographs: João Morgado Portuguese studio Escritório the Arquitetos has renovated and enlarged this farmer house in order to be destined for modern rural tourism. Description by architect: Within the Paredes

Monte Novo da Cruz: Architectural Project Dedicated to Rural Tourism

Project: Monte Novo da Cruz Architects: [i]da arquitectos Team: Ivan de Sousa, Ines Antunes Project leader: Ivan de Sousa Structural Engineering: Marco Agostinho Consultants: Matriz XXI Engenharia General Contractor: Regulconcrete construcao civil e obras publicas Location: Monte Novo da Cruz, Odemira, Portugal Area: 820 m2 Promoter: Pe no Monte Program: Turismo Rural- casa de campo

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