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Box Cutter: The Perfect Tool for Everyday Use in a Home

Box Cutter The Perfect Tool for Everyday Use in a Home

Box cutters, otherwise known as utility knives, can be utilized for multiple purposes. While most people would use box cutters to cut boxes, these handy tools can serve a wide variety of functions, especially around the house. Here is a list of tasks perfect for everyday use box cutters

Removing old carpet
Experienced home renovators can tell you that removing old carpet is no walk in the park. Old carpet in general is quite heavy and difficult to maneuver. This is where box cutters come in. You can cut old carpet into large squares to save yourself time and avoid a painstaking struggle. 

Box Cutter The Perfect Tool for Everyday Use in a Home

If the carpet is proving to be too difficult to remove in one piece, you can always cut a six-inch square in the corner and pick that up by hand. From there, you can pull up the carpet. In addition, you can try cutting the carpet from its backside. Roll up the carpet until you have enough to make a substantial cut.

Then, you can make smaller squares from the section you just removed. Carry the squares out and repeat the process. Just make sure that your box cutter has a good grip to prevent hand slips.

Maintaining clean paint lines
Painter’s tape is certainly helpful with creating clean lines. However, when you pull it back, you may take off some of the fresh paint with it. Using a box cutter in this situation can prevent this from happening. Simply run your blade along the edge of the tape.You want to use light pressure and take your time. Your objective here is to cut the tape and nothing else.

For added security on your part, look for a blade that’s primarily geared for safety. The safer the blade, the better.

The Perfect Tool for Everyday Use in a Home

Getting rid of old grout
Of course, there are specialty tools specifically for removing grout. But a box cutter will do the trick if the area is small enough. You can start by chipping away at the area between the tiles or the “grout joint.” Be sure to avoid damaging the tiles themselves. You can apply more pressure once a groove is formed in the joint. This may take time, so be patient.

Cutting drywall
Box cutters can also be used for cutting drywall. For this task, you want an effective blade that’s still safe to the touch. Firstly, run the blade along a T-square. With drywall, you’re really only scoring the material, rather than cutting all the way through. You want to cut deep enough so you can bend the drywall exactly where you scored the drywall. It only takes one eighth to one quarter of an inch. Then, separate the drywall pieces. Additionally, you can use your box cutter to smooth rough edges.

Slicing foam board insulation
While you can use a saw or foam cutter to cut foam board insulation, consider utilizing a box cutter instead. There’s less mess involved with a box cutter, not to mention less noise. All you need to do is cut or score in a line as deep as the blade will go. Then, you should be able to separate the pieces from there.

The Perfect Tool for Everyday Use in a Home

Cutting vinyl flooring
Installing vinyl flooring is a popular home project among DIY folks. Now, the difficult part of this is ensuring that said vinyl flooring is cut just right to fit your space. The key to removing old vinyl flooring is to make an incision. You don’t want to cut too deep, otherwise you’ll damage the subfloor below it. Next, proceed to pull up on the vinyl flooring until it’s fully removed.

Scraping dried caulk
Scraping dried caulk is no easy feat, especially given today’s advanced sealants. The best way to go about this is to use the blade of your box cutter, specifically a blade edge that’s resistant to wear and tear. You want to cut through the caulk along both sides of the bead. Avoid the middle. Then, you can proceed to scrape the caulk once it’s separated from the surrounding area.

Removing painted baseboards
Your first instinct may be to enlist the aid of a pry bar when removing painted baseboards. Instead, use a box cutter to cut along the top of the baseboard. This ensures that you won’t destroy the wall or the paint. The trick is to slice where the wall and the trim meet. Your box cutter will come in handy when you need to free a baseboard without damaging the painted portion underneath it.

Box cutters’ multipurpose usage is perfect for when you’re embarking on a DIY home project or you need to do some serious renovation. This versatile, effective tool is a wonderful addition to your toolbox.

Box Cutter The Perfect Tool for Everyday Use in a Home

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