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How To Clean Window Blinds: A Simple Process to Keep Your Home Looking New

How To Clean Window Blinds: A Simple Process to Keep Your Home Looking New

Window blinds are a necessity in modern homes. They block out sunlight and provide a level of privacy, but they can also allow dust and grime to collect. Without regular care, over time, window blinds can become dirty and unsightly, which no one wants to see in their own home. Here is how you can clean your blinds for a fresh new look.

1 – Cleaning Basics

Before you even begin cleaning your window blinds, there are a few steps you must take. First, you will need a vacuum cleaner. You can use a stick vacuum or a good ol’ fashioned vacuum cleaner. This is especially helpful when you are cleaning blinds with a hand-held vacuum. Here are some basics tips for cleaning the blinds

(I) Vacuum Blinds Regularly
If your blinds get dirty, you have to vacuum them. It is a no-brainer to get the vacuum out every time you want to open or close your blinds or if you notice a faint dust buildup from the weather outside. This will prevent large pieces of dust and debris from accumulating on your blinds, and you will find yourself reaching for the vacuum cleaner more often. You can get a hand-held vacuum or a powerful upright vac, both of which are specifically designed for cleaning blinds. They are much easier to use than standard manual vacuum cleaners, and they are extremely efficient. The small hand vac is great for cleaning around curtains, window frames, and furniture. The larger upright vacuum is great for cleaning the insides of blinds and around corners.

(II) How to Vacuum Window Blinds
Vacuuming window blinds is a quick and easy way to get them looking clean. Simply take your vacuum and vacuum the blinds thoroughly, removing all dust and debris before vacuuming. Using a small hand-held or extended motorized tool is ideal for cleaning blinds, but don’t put too much pressure on them. If you are vacuuming blinds with a motorized tool, ensure that it is in neutral and that you are pressing the buttons gently to avoid damage.

How To Clean Window Blinds: A Simple Process to Keep Your Home Looking New

(III) Clean the Blinds with a Damp Cloth
If you need to clean your blinds, a damp cloth will help you get out the most of the job. When you clean blinds with a damp cloth, the window can absorb more cleaning solution, and the dust and grime are also less likely to cling onto the cloth. To clean your blinds, simply dampen a cloth with warm water and some dishwashing liquid. Dampen a rag and rub the cloth over the blinds, dampening the cloth as you go. Keep doing this until your window is clean.

Windows need to be cleaned on a regular basis if they are to remain in good condition. Window blinds are a typical problem in old homes because no one bothers to wash them, meaning they become dirty and unsightly quickly. For the most effective clean, you need to wash the blinds at least once a month.

(IV) Tips for Dusting Blinds
This is one of the easiest tasks to take on yourself and can really help the appearance of your home. We recommend washing each blind in hot soapy water before you consider cleaning them. This will help you get rid of any dirt, grime, and leaves that might be stuck on the blind. You can wipe each one down with a clean cloth towel. Here are some other handy tips for cleaning blinds: Keep blinds on a clear rod so you can see what you’re doing. Leave the blinds to dry in the same place until they are completely dry, and then hang them back up to let the breeze in. Dry blinds on a soft towel or rag, not paper towels. Paper towels will absorb all the moisture from the cloth. Do not use hot water to clean the blinds. It can burn them and cause them to be fragile.

How To Clean Window Blinds: A Simple Process to Keep Your Home Looking New

2 – Cleaning the Outside of the Blinds

The outside of the window blinds can also look neglected. Make sure that the cover of the blinds is always clean and tucked away from reaching out windows. To clean the outside, simply take your vacuum cleaner and the brush attachment and vacuum up all dirt and debris. In addition, you can also take a rag and wipe down the outside of the blinds. The cleaning process is a quick and easy one. Closing the Window Blinds When cleaning your window blinds, it’s also important to take a look at the tracks. If the wooden window tracks are dirty or have a layer of dust and debris, you will not be able to open the blinds and easily reach the inside. Make sure to have a cleaning solution or towel ready to wipe away any dirt or grime before moving on.
If you don’t clean your blinds on a regular basis, you’ll have a hard time seeing the fine line that separates your blinds from the floor. To make this space visible, simply place the cleaning cloth over the top of your window and press down. Lift up and watch as the dust comes off in a thin layer. You can continue to do this until the entire blind is free of dust and dirt. Keeping Your Window Blinds Clean Now that your blinds are clean, you need to ensure that they stay clean for long periods of time. Window blinds require regular care to prevent fading, as well as prevent the growth of mold and mildew.

How To Clean Window Blinds: A Simple Process to Keep Your Home Looking New

3 – Cleaning Inside the Slats of the Blinds

The inside slats of the window blinds have larger gaps for dirt and dust to collect, and they tend to collect smudges and fingerprints, too. To clean inside the slats of your window blinds, simply use a small hairdryer to blow dry them for a few seconds. Make sure that you are using an extra-strong iron or cordless cleaner, and don’t heat them too hot. Gently warm them up and run a tiny amount of steam through them for five minutes or so, then let them cool down and hang them up to dry. Cleaning Outside the Slats of the Blinds On the outside of your window blinds, you should clean them by using a damp cloth or a stiff cleaning pad. If the cleaning pad is not warm enough, it will not work. Don’t use too much pressure with the cloth or pad, as that will pull the glue inside the slats.


Window blinds play a very important role in keeping your home safe and secure from unwanted dust-based disease, but they also need your care to keep them clean and safe. So if you don’t want to hire a professional cleaner, you can clean yourself using the cleaning tips mentioned earlier. In addition, there are many great ways to keep your windows clean and dust-free as well. Window blinds will save you money in the long run by protecting your home from the damaging effects of dust mites and allergens.

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