HomeWorldDesign - Architecture and Interior Design

Office Design

We spend most of our time at work and it is desirable that this place to be warm, attractive and simulative. The home office must be comfortable and hospitable as well, a place where passion and joy can be found in the ongoing activities. For all these, HomeWorldDesign has a display in the OFFICE category that contains the latest achievements not only of world famous designers but also of young ones full of enthusiasm and creativity. Offices belonging to companies all over the world, private offices and also office furniture, or classical and modern projects all these can be found in this category in order to delight and inspire you in making a choice.

Ancestry Offices in Utah, Rapt Studio 5

Ancestry Offices in Utah / Rapt Studio

Rapt Studio has designed the new offices of genealogy company Ancestry located in Lehi, Utah. To create the company’s ideal space, we brought all those components together, turning abstract ideas into something you can touch, see, and feel.

Interior Evolution by Materia 174 3

Interior Evolution: Office Design by Materia 174

The expression “Interior Evolution” became the motto of the architectural bureau Materia 174, which can be interpret as “Innovations. Emotions. Special execution». In the process of working on each project, the bureau keeps at the idea of sustainable development in these value directions.

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