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El Equipo Creativo

El Equipo Creativo

The architects Oliver Franz Schmidt, Natali Canas del Pozo and Lucas Echeveste Lacy form El Equipo Creativo, an interior design studio based in Barcelona and specialized in the interior design of gastronomic, commercial and brand flag spaces.

Their work together began in 2010, with the interior design for the emblematic restaurant Tickets and the 41º cocktail bar from Ferran and Albert Adriá. Since then they have realized several projects which have been recognized in numerous international interior design awards, for example the prestigious Restaurant and Bar Design Awards, The Great Indoors Awards, FX International Award, Best of the Year Award or AIT Interior Contract Award. Their interior design projects have been published in paper and web publications in more than twenty countries.

El Equipo Creativo begins now a new professional phase with international projects and as the directors of the Master of Interior Design at the Instituto Europeo di Design de Barcelona.

LOCATION: Barcelona, Spain
LEARN MORE: elequipocreativo.com

La Dolca of Tickets: Magic Universe of Stories and Sweets

La Dolca of Tickets is the new gastronomic space in Ticket Restaurant, designed by El Equipo Creativo, a design studio based in Barcelona. The architects Oliver Franz Schmidt and Natali Canas del Pozo began their work together in 2010, with the design for the emblematic restaurant Tickets of Ferran and Albert Adriá. El Equipo Creativo, the informal way

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