A Parallel Architecture


Retama House, Austin / A Parallel Architecture

Retama House by A Parallel Architecture – a name that doesn’t merely mark a location. It gives voice to a quiet, enduring conversation between human skill and the steady wisdom of nature. On a slender urban plot, a majestic live oak with a split trunk had stood guard for decades, discouraging developers from seizing its prime positioning and downtown views.

Mt Larson House / A Parallel Architecture

Mt Larson House / A Parallel Architecture

The Mt Larson House is a stunning architectural project by A Parallel Architecture, located in Austin, Texas. This residence exemplifies modern luxury while being deeply integrated with its challenging hillside environment.

This Lake Austin Residence Offers a Combination of Transparency and Solidity 5

Lake Austin Residence / A Parallel Architecture

Like a butterfly specimen pinned to its mounting, this sinuous lake-front home’s light floating roofs are anchored to its site by heavy rusticated limestone masses, while its horizontal footprint is spread out and sewn through the vertical punctuation of mature sycamore, cypress and pecan trees

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