Barcelona houses

PR House by Guillem Carrera

PR House, Barcelona / Guillem Carrera

The PR house is located in a slopy terrain which has the virtue to be localised in a fairly high topographic altitude, due to this, with visual orientation to the litoral mountain range, the urban center and the sea.

Dwelling Refurbishment in the Barcelona’s Garcia Neighbourhood

We are commissioned for a 140 m2 dwelling refurbishment located on Verdi Street in the Barcelona’s Garcia neighbourhood. The structure of the house has one drawback: of the 16 pieces that make it up, only 5 are connected to the exterior, either to the street or to the interior block patio, leading, as there is no additional patio, to a dwelling especially dark in its centre.


La Diana Apartment / CRÜ Studio

The materialization is answering the desire to recover and/or emphasize the original condition of the traditional style house. A piece of natural terracotta is placed on a running board as the pavement and the walls are stripped to expose the original factory work with all its defects and textures.

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