Republica Amsterdam: An Open Urban Village
The completion of Republica in Amsterdam-Noord marks a new chapter in the transformation of Buiksloterham, from an industrial park to a vibrant work-living community.
The completion of Republica in Amsterdam-Noord marks a new chapter in the transformation of Buiksloterham, from an industrial park to a vibrant work-living community.
Jakoba Mulderhuis on Rhijnspoorplein is the Amstel Campus’s grand finale, situated on Wibautstraat. The building will accommodate some 6,000 to 7,000 students from the Faculty of Technology, encompassing approximately 25,000 m2 worth of teaching programmes.
Superlofts Blok Y, a cooperative housing project in Utrecht designed by Marc Koehler Architects, wins the Private Housing category of the 2018 Royal Institute of Dutch Architects (BNA) award for Building of the Year.
Tapping into the open building movement, Superlofts offers its residents the freedom to design and/or self-build their homes from scratch incorporating any hybrid function, and co-create the shared spaces as a community.
Lofthouse project is a single-family house designed by Dutch studio Marc Koehler Architects. Lofthouse is located in Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Project description: In this corner house, all floors are interconnected in a continuous flow. The house takes maximum advantage of the exceptional views of its rugged, industrial environment. Loft House 1 is the first implementation of
The house is composed from 4 smaller ‘houses’, containing the more private spaces and supporting facilities. In between them, an open multifuncional space emerges (the streets), and natural daylight enters deep into the house.
Project: Dune House Project Architect: Carlos Moreira Interior design: Marc Koehler Architects Execution Manager: Thomas Welink, Annemarie Swemmer Design team: Kasia Heijerman, Miriam Tocino, Anna Szcsurek and Jakub Zoha Technical description and execution: AchterboschZantman architecten Builder: P.A. Wiersma Aannemingsmaatschappij BV Interior builder: Koen Vieugel Installations: Bakker Installatietechniek Glazing Construction: Huijberts Gevelbouw Photographer: Filip Dujardin Stylist