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micro apartment

Muzha Micro Flat, Phoebe Sayswow Architects 3

Muzha Micro Flat / Phoebe Says Wow Architects

This 33 SQM flat has 3 different levels including entry level, kitchen level and bedroom level. The main feature is the floor to ceiling shelving consists kitchen cabinet, bookshelves and wardrobe. The long stairs is an extra sitting and a laid back area for this micro flat.

Micro Apartments in London Designed by Bicbloc 1

Micro Apartments in London Designed by Bicbloc

The existing property consisted of a four-storey Victorian terraced house divided into 11 bedsits with a back garden. The client wished to convert the property into a new co-living concept to cater to the strong rental demand in London and changing living habits. Bicbloc managed to reconfigure the original layout into 14 serviced 18 sqm studio apartments.

Optimal Interior Design for a 28 sqm Micro Apartment in Melbourne 2

Optimal Interior Design for a 28 sqm Micro Apartment in Melbourne

George is sited between a university campus and a burgeoning creative quarter, in a 1950s apartment block of identical studios originally built for nurse’s accommodation. At 28m2, George is yet another iteration in the study of micro apartments epitomized by a return to the fundamentals of dwelling and access to the vibrancy of the city.

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