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A Homeowner’s Guide To Shower Care And Maintenance

A Homeowner’s Guide To Shower Care And Maintenance

When was the last time you decided to clean your shower? It’s not exactly what most people would consider a fun job. Nobody will blame you if it’s been a while. Still, you probably wouldn’t mind having an overall cleaner space to clean yourself.

With all the moisture and humidity showers tend to receive, they can become a breeding ground for mildew and other things that thrive in such conditions. It’s bound to become noticeable—and a bit gross—if left unchecked for too long.

Fortunately, cleaning a shower isn’t too taxing if you split it into smaller tasks you repeat regularly. You might do some of them after every shower or every few weeks, but it’s much easier than waiting for it to turn into an all-day job.

1. Start With A Good Clean

It will help if you start with a clean shower before getting into a regular shower maintenance routine. Not everyone will need this step. But if you’re reading this because you’ve noticed your shower needs to be cleaned, start by doing that.

Get shower cleaning supplies and scrub any grime, mold, or soap buildup. Some of the things below might help out here. It might be tedious, but it’ll be much easier to keep it clean once it’s done.

If you notice any seal leaks or chipped grouting that’ll cause issues later, consider redoing it. Leaks, cracks, and chips can be an ideal environment for hidden mold or mildew to hide before breaking out. When resealing your shower, you may have to conform to certain regulations or standards. For example, those in Australia need to find resources explaining the AS code and tips to reseal a shower without breaking it.

2. Dry Your Shower Every Day

Now that you’re starting your cleaning regimen with an already-squeaky-clean shower, you only need to keep it that way. And the first, most crucial, and unavoidable step is drying your shower daily. As often as possible, if not every day.

You do this to minimize the remaining moisture after a shower, keeping it away from the grimy things that love to grow in it. It might initially feel over the top, but it’s effective and will become another effortless part of your shower routine after some time.

Get yourself a good squeegee and a microfiber or absorbent cloth. Something with an extendable handle would make drying your shower easier and quicker. You might be able to find shower-specific products, but products targeted at window cleaning are also a good option.

A Homeowner’s Guide To Shower Care And Maintenance / Caucasian woman cleaning shower stall in the bathroom

3. Use A Cleaning Spray

Keeping things dry goes a long way. But it’s not everything. A cleaning solution helps by breaking down grime, even if it doesn’t look like there’s anything to break down.
You can use a commercial or homemade cleaner that you can make with citric acid. You can also make one with water, vinegar, and bicarbonate. Be careful because not all cleaners are compatible with all surfaces. Ensure your cleaner won’t damage your shower before you use it.

Spray your cleaning solution on all surfaces of your shower, let it sit for a while, then rinse it off and dry the area. It isn’t necessary to use a cleaning spray every day. You can if you want. But once a week should suffice for most people.

4. Get Rid Of Mildew Or Mold As It Appears

Drying and using a cleaner contribute to handling mildew and grime, but they don’t always stop it from appearing long-term. Over time you’ll probably notice a few dark blotches in the grouting.

Even if it seems negligible at that moment, try to get rid of it immediately. It’s easier to spend two minutes scrubbing than to let it get worse and spend an hour scrubbing.
You don’t want this mold to settle in grout or grooves. Once it takes root, it’s usually there permanently. All you can do is clean the surface when it appears. If that seems to be the case, refer to the first point on this list.

5. Minimize Humidity

If you take hot showers—as many do—there will be steam. The tricky thing with steam is that it tends to linger around. Even if you dry your shower’s surfaces, the remaining steam can cause additional moisture to stick to your surfaces.

Luckily, this is a relatively easy fix. If your shower has a door, leave it open to let the steam out. You can also open the bathroom window after your shower and close it before leaving the house. And if you want to handle humidity even more efficiently, consider installing an extractor fan above your shower (and run it while you shower).


Cleaning your shower, although necessary, can be tedious and time-consuming. It’s not what most people would call fun and tends to be avoided. But it doesn’t have to be a dreaded task.

By incorporating the five simple steps discussed here into your life, your shower can stay squeaky clean, and you’ll never need to deep-clean it again. All you need is to keep it dry, use a cleaner once a week, get rid of appearing mold ASAP, and filter out the humidity after a shower.


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