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How To Improve The Quality Of Sleep

How To Improve The Quality Of Sleep

Sleep is one of the most important aspects of a healthy lifestyle. You need sleep to have optimal physical and mental health, memory, learning ability, creativity, and more.

It’s been said that the quality of your sleep can influence your success in life just as much as what you eat or how you exercise. In this article, we’re going to go over 8 tips that will help you improve the quality of your sleep.

8 Tips To Improve The Quality Of Sleep

Really, you should be striving to get the best quality sleep possible to maximize your potential. However, it can be challenging to get a good night’s rest when you have the tendency to toss and turn while sleeping. Here are 8 tips that will help you improve matters.

Stick To A Sleep Schedule

Before you start trying to make sure you sleep at least 8 hours each night, it’s essential to establish a schedule for yourself. Don’t feel like it’s impossible to make your own schedule; if nothing else, try to aim for 7-8 hours of uninterrupted sleep.

I use a free app that allows me to track my sleep patterns. You may also want to use the app or another similar one. I also recommend getting your bedtime earlier in the day, which will allow you more time in the evening for leisure activities instead of trying to go out and get some work done.

How To Improve The Quality Of Sleep

Avoid Caffeine, Alcohol, and Nicotine That Interfere With Sleep

There are 3 primary things that I strongly recommend you avoid if you want to have a good night’s rest:

  • Caffeine – This is probably the most popular one out of the three, as many people enjoy a good cup of coffee or tea in the morning. However, caffeine should be avoided at night as it can interfere with your sleep quality. Caffeine affects your nervous system and can mess with your sleep cycle if taken too late in the day.
  • Alcohol – When you drink alcohol, you might think it will make you fall asleep quicker. However, there are a couple of reasons why this is not the case. First, drinking alcohol to get to sleep actually makes it more difficult to fall asleep. Second, alcohol makes it harder for your body to enter into complete REM (rapid eye movement) sleep which can be costly for your overall health — an article on sleep hygiene should be read here.
  • Nicotine – I’m not sure if anyone has ever tried this, but I highly recommend just avoiding smoking altogether. Every time you smoke, there are 2 doses of nicotine hit your system: one in the form of smoke and another when you inhale the second cigarette. This increases your chances of adverse health effects, but the cigarettes leave a lingering smell on your clothes and in your hair, which can make you more likely to stay awake.

How To Improve The Quality Of Sleep

Choose The Right Mattress

The mattress is what you sleep on, so make sure it’s a good one. The great choice for obese people should support your body and not cause you to miss work or feel sluggish the next day. You may also want to invest in a high-quality pillow as well. These two things are essential because they can make all the difference when it comes to resting well at night.

Create A Restful Environment

If you’re exhausted but can’t seem to fall asleep, it may be due to the ambient noise in your room, such as traffic or other people talking outside. Some people like to drown out the noise with relaxing music or white noise, which can serve as background sounds while you sleep.

Limit Daytime Naps

When I was working on this article, I came across an interesting study that took place in 2001 in which it was found that shorter naps can actually improve alertness in the late afternoon.

The study was conducted at the Center for Sleep Research at the University of Pittsburgh, where scientists found that people who napped 30 minutes to 1 hour woke up feeling less sleepy than those who didn’t. It’s possible that your body needs a short nap during the day to function optimally. But not oversleep during the day!

How To Improve The Quality Of Sleep

Include Physical Activity In Your Daily Routine

One of the most important things you should do when it comes to sleep is to get enough exercise during the day. Your body needs physical activity for everyday living, and it also helps improve the quality of your sleep at night.

This is because physical activity helps promote relaxation while keeping your heart rate low throughout the day. If you’re getting plenty of exercise during the day, then that’s great, but if not, then I recommend trying to get 20-30 minutes of physical activity at least three times a week.

Manage Worries

Many people have trouble sleeping because they are constantly worrying about different issues or problems in their lives. When you can’t sleep, it doesn’t take long for your mind to go into a tailspin, and it’s essential that you get a good night’s rest. The best way to do this is by managing your worries. If you have a problem that you’re worried about, don’t just completely ignore it; figure out how to resolve the issue and try to rest easy after.

Balance Fluid Intake

It’s important to drink plenty of water throughout the day, but you should also be aware that dehydration can hinder your sleep quality. If you’re having trouble sleeping, then try drinking a glass of water before going to bed. You should monitor the amount of water you drink throughout the day, and if there is a discrepancy, don’t worry because it’s not a cause for concern.

The Bottom Line

As I mentioned before, there are lots of ways that you can improve your sleep quality. Some people just need the right tools to overcome their sleep issues. If you’re having trouble sleeping, then consider changing up your routine, making sure to avoid stimulants in the evening, and try these other methods to see if they work for you. Good luck!

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