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Penta Lamp Collection – aesthetics and sustainability through recycling of cassava waste

Penta Lamp Collection - aesthetics and sustainability through recycling of cassava waste (2)

Penta Lamp Collection is designed by Anon Pairot studio for Eqologist at Paris Maison et Objet 4-8 September 2015.

Description by Anon Pairot: Cassava is one of the crops being grown most in Thailand. In many time of the year, Thai farmers have to face with excessive supply of cassava causing huge amount of waste pollution. I, as a designer, am very proud that Eqologist has a strong vision in bringing new material that is both environmental friendly and creates value to Thai farmers. Thus, my passion in designing is to enhance cassava material with aesthetic value.

Penta Lamp Collection - aesthetics and sustainability through recycling of cassava waste (8)
A pendant is one of my priorities due to the fact that after the material has been processed by Hi-pressure vacuum, its fiber structure becomes solid and rigid, yet having lightweight with very interesting translucence effect. The pentagon does not only represent a strong structure, but also reflects a shape of cassava leaf as well, which has become my inspiration. The dim and warm white light of “Penta” presents tropical aesthetics mood and tone and the texture shows an authentic touch and feel.

Penta Lamp Collection - aesthetics and sustainability through recycling of cassava waste (7)
Best part of cassava material I love is that it is a natural material that gives out no toxic and can be 100% recycled, which means no chemical wastes are left behind. Furthermore, in suitable conditions, the material can be naturally decomposed within 2-3 weeks. Visit Anon Pairot

Penta Lamp Collection - aesthetics and sustainability through recycling of cassava waste (1)

Penta Lamp Collection - aesthetics and sustainability through recycling of cassava waste (3)

Penta Lamp Collection - aesthetics and sustainability through recycling of cassava waste (4)

Penta Lamp Collection - aesthetics and sustainability through recycling of cassava waste (5)

Penta Lamp Collection - aesthetics and sustainability through recycling of cassava waste (9)

Penta Lamp Collection - aesthetics and sustainability through recycling of cassava waste (6)

Penta Collection - aesthetics and sustainability through recycling of cassava waste (8)

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