Leonardo Finotti Photography

Leonardo Finotti

Leonardo Finotti is a Brazilian photographer with an international reputation. Whether the results of commissions or his personal initiatives, his photos are published all over the world. His visual research revolves around cities and architecture, with solo and group exhibitions and works shown in important public and private collections. He runs obra comunicação, a collaborative communication office that produces articles, exhibitions, and catalogs.

LOCATION: São Paulo, Brazil
LEARN MORE: leonardofinotti.com

Island House by Jacobsen Arquitetura / Angra dos Reis

Designed by Jacobsen Arquitetura, the Island house had to suit the strict environmental standards limiting the proximity of construction to the sea, its height, maximum occupancy of the land and changes in the topography. To this end, we developed several conceptual studies with different geometries and topographical approaches. Final implementation was intended to create a connection

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