Spark Lodges at YDD Resort / EERI

Spark Lodges at YDD Resort / EERI

Project: Spark Lodges at YDD Resort
Architecture: EERI
Lead Architects: Hou Rui, Zhu Lijin
Design Team: Yang Yuwei (Project Architect), Huang Yingmao
Location: Changsha, China
Area: 76 m2
Year: 2024
Photo Credits: EERI, NANTU

The stream flows from the main peak of the Lianyun Mountains, carving a wide triangle of land in Jinkeng Village before turning south. In the rice fields, villagers plant Chinese astragalus seeds every spring. The blooming flowers then become fertilizer for the rice after they wither. Consequently, Spark Lodges emerged from this backdrop, designed to be not only seeds of beauty but also the embodiment of beauty itself, marking the beginning of a new era.

Jinkeng is not your typical Hunan village. Due to the rise of river trekking in the summer, locals who stayed behind have developed a thriving tourism industry. Thus, this small village has seamlessly adapted to modern times, blending industrialization, farming, and tourism into a unique mosaic of everyday life.

Apart from a single yellow-walled, black-tiled adobe house that holds onto old memories, most buildings in the village break from tradition. Single-family houses occupy entire homesteads with multiple bays. Moreover, construction methods are pragmatic, using materials like steel roofing sheets, PVC windows, and metal pergolas. This reflects an economic pragmatism suited for rapid construction. The challenge was to reduce costs, improve efficiency, and create distinct spaces without compromising the village’s spirit.

Like the village itself, Spark Lodges do not strictly adhere to tradition. Although they are positioned with their backs to the mountains and facing the plains, their northern location prioritizes landscape views over sunlight. Consequently, this led to a design strategy that changes the viewing experience with increasing elevation and a three-story structure that stands out.

The lodges feature translucent polycarbonate roof panels, a striking and affordable material. These panels change appearance based on the angle and light. They show a frosted texture in sunlight and reflect nearby trees and skies at the edges. At night, they glow like lanterns, lighting up the woods and fields with a soft, inviting glow.

Furthermore, the ground floor has three-sided floor-to-ceiling windows that extend the view horizontally, resembling a Chinese painting on a scroll. This design brings the outside scenery inside, creating a close connection with nature. The absence of mosquito-proof screens allows fresh air to flow freely. On the second floor, views are directed through corner and side windows, framing the landscape like intimate paintings while maintaining privacy. Additionally, the loft uses vertical space to present an expansive view, connecting residents to the distant Lianyun Mountains. Here, nature becomes an integral part of the living space.

These lodges are not mere structures watching over fields and villages. Instead, they are vibrant spaces that ignite the spirit. In the interplay of clouds and fields, they illuminate the surroundings and reflect the essence of those who dwell within.

Spark Lodges at YDD Resort / EERI

Spark Lodges at YDD Resort / EERI

Spark Lodges at YDD Resort / EERI

Spark Lodges at YDD Resort / EERI

Spark Lodges at YDD Resort / EERI

dining room

dining room






Spark Lodges at YDD Resort / EERI

Spark Lodges at YDD Resort / EERI

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