Bridge House LA / Dan Brunn Architecture
A visionary architectural exploration born in the heart of Hancock Park, Bridge House LA has officially reached completion after 2 years of construction.
A visionary architectural exploration born in the heart of Hancock Park, Bridge House LA has officially reached completion after 2 years of construction.
Our clients for this project originally asked us to design a pool house for their existing 6,000-square-foot craftsman-style home.
Yummly’s new headquarters in San Carlos, California facilitates the aspirations of these companies by featuring two fully functioning kitchens, a bar and a recording studio.
Set at the crest of a downsloped lot, the floor plan of this 6,000-square-foot house was largely determined by the site. The entry and the master suite are placed to capture the premium views, and the in-ground tiled swimming pool locks into the L-shape footprint.
By taking cues and inspiration from the surrounding landscape, Studio Schicketanz, led by Mary Ann Schicketanz, designed a breathtaking, sustainable home that literally blends into the hillside for a Silicon Valley-based family
Perched lightly on an exquisite site near the top of the fabled Trousdale Estates neighborhood in Beverly Hills, the Breeze Blocks House was designed for a very sophisticated East Coast-based couple who likes to entertain when in town.
The Blue Jay Residence features custom designed casework and furnishings throughout. Sliding glass panels pocket out of sight offering a seamless flow between interior and exterior.
True artists inspired by socially relevant modern design, architect Geoff Campen and designer Diana Ruiz designed a new minimal, modern, open home they would call their own.