HomeWorldDesign - Architecture and Interior Design


Saddle Peak House by Sant Architects

Saddle Peak House / Sant Architects

On this beautiful plateau, high on a ridge of the Santa Monica Mountains overlooking the Pacific Ocean, the intention was to respond with an elemental design that strengthens a connection to nature on a vast scale while navigating the natural topography and sculptural rock outcroppings with deft precision.

Wilson Residence by SPACE International

Wilson Residence / SPACE International

Formerly the site of a traditional Venice bungalow, this new 2 story residence respects the scale of the 3600sf parcel with an efficient organization of programs. The “shotgun” style ground floor plan is flanked by a linear courtyard which mirrors the interior social spaces and functions as an outdoor living room.

Car Park House

Car Park House / Anonymous Architects

Starting with a vacant lot with a very steep down-slope from the street, the design of the Car Park house places the carport on the roof with the residence below. In addition to being a dramatic shift of expectations, it is also a logical response to the building code which requires parking for two vehicles.

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