Czech houses

Weekend House in Bohemian Paradise / NEW HOW architects

Weekend House in Bohemian Paradise / NEW HOW Architects

Nestled on the picturesque outskirts of Hrubá Skála, this modern weekend house seamlessly blends into the idyllic landscape of the Bohemian Paradise Protected Landscape Area. Designed with deep respect for the region’s rich history and natural beauty, the house serves as a tranquil retreat, fostering a close connection with its surroundings.

The Forgotten Barn / Karnet Architekti

The Forgotten Barn / Karnet Architekti

The Forgotten Barn by Karnet Architekti is more than just a renovated building; it’s a harmonious blend of past and present. Václav and Marie have created a space where history is honored, and modern living thrives. This project showcases how thoughtful design can preserve cherished memories while providing a beautiful and functional home for future generations.

A DIY Prototype of a Family House in Posazavi

Designed by A69 Architectural Studio, this DIY prototype of a family house is built in a former granite quarry in Posázaví, Czech Republic. The purpose of this built project is to check structural, typological, and user qualities of the prototype.

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