Modular Kindergartens in Lisbon
In a pioneering venture, SUMMARY studio introduced modular kindergartens, utilizing a unique three-dimensional prefabricated and modular system to construct four kindergarten facilities across Lisbon.
In a pioneering venture, SUMMARY studio introduced modular kindergartens, utilizing a unique three-dimensional prefabricated and modular system to construct four kindergarten facilities across Lisbon.
Since January 2019, 85 children from ten months old to school age have discovered and explored the colorful worlds in the daycare center Weltenbummler.
CUN PANDA Children’s Education Space Design Company not only provides kindergarten design services or products, but also select a design language that is truly suitable for children and is in line with current and future educational development trends.
When the municipality of Vřesovice agreed with the Church on transferring the rectory and the parish estate to the municipal property, the Church wished that the village should not let the whole premises deteriorate but use it for a purpose.
The Elementary School Amos is a monolithic reinforced concrete structure. Glued wooden trusses are used for the flat roof of the central building, pitched roofs are supported by steel frames. Exterior and interior walls are made from sand limestone bricks.
The Poan Education project is located in a commercial store of the living area of the county, with convenient transportation. The single-story area is small and cramped and therefore we have to conduct a systematic analysis and positioning of the project to design and plan for the target population.
Design vision and objective for Shanghai Evergreen Kindergarten is to create a place just like a home and a small communal place for kids. Therefore, we try to establish a social interactive environment.
The Hayarden School, located in South Tel-Aviv, in Hatikvah quarter, educates 500 children of refugees and children of immigrants. The school was originally built in the 60’s.