green house

How to Plan and Build the Perfect Homestead Garden

How to Plan and Build the Perfect Homestead Garden

Starting a homestead garden is one of the most rewarding steps you can take to create a sustainable, self-sufficient lifestyle. Whether you’re growing food for your family, starting a business, or simply enjoying the outdoors, building a homestead garden requires careful planning and attention to detail.

Camping House 3

Camping House in Taipei / Ganna Design

The Camping house was designed by Taiwanese studio Ganna Design. Located in the suburb of Taipei city, the house of this project has green window view, with plenty of natural light. The quiet and undisturbed environment inspires the designer to design this project. The house owner of this project is a couple. The host of the

Binh House 1

Binh House / Vo Trong Nghia Architects

Under the rapid urbanization, cities in Vietnam have diverged far from their origins as low density tropical green space. Newly developed urban areas are losing their connection with nature. Binh house by Vo Trong Nghia Architects (VTN Architects) is one project in the “House for Trees” series, a prototypical housing design, providing green space within high density neighbourhood.

Sustainable Houses Designed as Trees by OAS1S

OAS1S is a green housing concept that envisions sustainable houses designed as trees. The aim is to provide a green solution for housing in the near future. OAS1S  was founded by Raimond of Hullu, an experienced Dutch designer and manager in architecture. Description by OAS1S Foundation: Houses designed as trees OAS1S architecture is designed as trees, earth’s most ancient,

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