HomeWorldDesign - Architecture and Interior Design

home office

Axiom Desert House / Turkel Design

Axiom Desert House, Palm Springs / Turkel Design

Recently completed in February 2019, Axiom Desert House made its debut as a Featured Home at this year’s Palm Springs Modernism Week—turning heads as a stunning, systems-built jewel that is now the private residence of designers Joel and Meelena Turkel, as well as a Living Lab for Turkel Design.

Head Office – Beautiful Classic Design by Anton Medvedev

The following photos present us a beautiful and stylish office made by the Ukrainian designer Anton Medvedev. As usual, wood “does its duty” and ennobles this room by giving warmth but also the necessary prestige of a head office. The design concept is based on a very accurate internal geometry, on the symmetrical organization of

Studio Apartment Modified to Perform Two Functions: Office and Home

Many times young people that are at the beginning of their careers, either they are architects, designers or they have other professions, they need a multi-purpose space to satisfy simultaneously two functions: to live and work. Modelart Arhitekti from Novi Sad, Serbia has received such a request from the part of a couple of young

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