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Northwest Harbor

Northwest Harbor by Bates Masi Architects

Architects: Bates Masi Architects Project: Northwest Harbor Location: East Hampton, New York, United States Structural Engineer: Steven L. Maresca Area 1895.0 ft2 / 176sqm Photography: Bates Masi Architects Northwest Harbor is a private residence completed by East Hampton-based Bates Masi Architects. The house is located in East Hampton, NY, United States. Project description: Straddling freshwater wetlands and […]

Stripe House

Stripe House: Mixed-Use Home Designed by GAAGA

Project: Stripe House Architects: GAAGA Location: Leiden, The Netherlands Project Team: Esther Stevelink, Arie Bergsma Photography: Marcel van der Burg, Primabeeld Designed by GAAGA, Stripe House is a small, mixed-use house located in the city of Leiden, The Netherlands. It takes its name from the characterizing horizontal stripes carved deep into the façade. The house resides in

Peninsula Residence 4

Peninsula Residence / SJB Architecture

Located in Victoria’s Mornington Peninsula, Peninsula Residence was completed in 2016 by SJB Architecture. Project description: Designed to be tough, a bold reimagining honouring the history and integrity of the original home yet placing it firmly within contemporary 21st century design. A large glass pavilion houses the stunning new master-suite and multiple floor levels address

Porto Alegre Apartment

Porto Alegre Apartment / Tellini Vontobel Arquitetura

Located in an important building of the 1960s, Porto Alegre Apartment has become the new home of a businesswoman and advertising, in love with vintage furniture. After the acquisition, the property underwent an extensive renovation made by the office Tellini Vontobel Architecture, led by architect Evelise Tellini Vontobel, to adaquar to her lifestyle.

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