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vacation home

Tall Pony Ranch 1

Tall Pony Ranch by Miller Roodell Architects

Tall Pony Ranch is a vacation home completed by Miller Roodell Architects, located in Montana, US. Connecting the living spaces to the outdoors was important to this Los Angeles couple. Thus the two hewn buildings, one a barn and the other a homesteader’s cabin, create a private, yet open flow between the spaces. The woman’s

James River House 2

James River House – a Modern Family Weekend Retreat

Architects: Architecture Firm Project: James River House Location: Scottsville, Virginia, United States Area: 204 sqm Photography: James Ewing Located near Scottsville, Virginia, this family weekend and vacation home was designed by family members, Danny and Katie MacNelly, ArchitectureFirm, Richmond, Va. Sited on a long and narrow 40-acre plot, the James River House opens to expansive

The dune house

The Dune House is a Sharp Linear Structure with a Facade of Straw

Located in Pape, Latvia, the Dune House is a vacation home designed by Archispektras Studio. Project description: The wind and the sunset. Kite surfers and boats. The dune and the meadow – full of tall grass and little flowers with ever changing colors. Layers of relative distances, experiences and dimensions are the things that define

This Mexican Bungalow is Conceived as a Refuge in an Idyllic Jungle Site

The bungalow is the first of a series of cabins to be built over a spectacular site in Tepoztlán, a small paradise located at about 50 km from Mexico City. The town has fantastic weather conditions, and a unique character built thru its pre-Hispanic origins that were followed by a colonial center that is still the heart of the village; its charm attracts the presence of intellectuals and thinkers to stay over the weekend, or for longer periods of time.

Forte Apartment was Turned to the Light by Merooficina

Forte Apartment is a holiday home rehabilitated by Portuguese studio Merooficina. Integrated on a housing facility from the mid 90’s, the apartment is a result of the rampant construction that characterizes the neighborhood growing where it’s located.

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