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weekend retreat

This Ranch Retreat Was Designed Around A 100-Year-Old Oak Tree 11

This Ranch Retreat Was Designed Around A 100-Year-Old Oak Tree

Atop a ridge in the Santa Lucia mountains of Carmel, California, an oak tree stands elevated above the fog and wrapped at its base in this ranch retreat. The weekend home’s design grew around the 100-year-old Valley Oak to form a horseshoe-shaped house that gathers ridgeline views of Oak, Madrone, and Redwood groves at its exterior and nestles around the tree at its center.

Concrete Weekend Retreat in Buenos Aires, Argentina

Against a backdrop of rugged dunes typical of the Buenos Aires coastline, with a beautiful landscape, we were commissioned to design a house, with the request for a program of regular needs for a weekend house and a limited budget. The proposal seeks to preserve the most of the wonderful qualities of the place.

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