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Film Company Office Customization by Beijing Wuxiang Space Architecture Design Studio

Film Company Office Customization by Beijing Wuxiang Space Architecture Design Studio

Project: Film Company Office
Design Company: Beijing Wuxiang Space Architecture Design Studio
Chief designer: WANG Yong
Design team: ZHU Chenxu, ZHANG Guiying, TAN Wei
Client: Beijing DYM Film Co., Ltd.
Location: Building A2, No.1, South Bank, Tonghui River South Street, Chaoyang District, Beijing
Content: interior space design, fine decoration construction, display design, and furniture & artwork customization
Area: 3,000m2
Photographer: XIA Zhi

As an office space of a film production and distribution company that located at the intersection of Jingbao Railway and Tonghui River in Beijing Gaobeidian, the project builds up an entire design logic of art interaction of humanity, space and future, providing one-stop integrated service in interior space design, fine decoration construction, display design, and furniture & artwork customization.

Film Company Office Customization by Beijing Wuxiang Space Architecture Design Studio

Each dramatic segment within 24 frames per second in a film reflects to the infinite possibilities of changing melody. Film is not only a commercial act, but also represents the cultural contents. Interior design of the film company office expresses the corporate values within spatial forms. For connecting the space and people working in the office closely, excessive surface decoration is abandoned and all physical elements are returned to the simplest plain color to form natural details. The space is decorated with natural stone material and accessories in wood texture, and the regional bright color breaks the common depressing color relation within a big office area. Materials such as brass, silk cloth, wood, stone are combined used, together with the effective application of plants as well as lighting & shades, the internal and external spaces are blended. The entire office space is surrounded with an atmosphere of tranquility and peace, reflecting of the pursuit for a primitive nature. The experiential open office space is an ideal place for a mind of creativity.

Film Company Office Customization by Beijing Wuxiang Space Architecture Design Studio

The design breaks through the traditional functions of the space as unitary office and work place, and instead creates a dramatic space experience for filmmakers and customers. The project is divided into four levels with reception, exhibition and multi-function hall in the first floor. Offices are located in the second and third floors, and the executive offices are in the forth floor. Reasonable definition of floors setting penetrates effective functional perspective in layers. The combination of multimedia digitalization and film exhibition hall catches visitor’s visual focus. The large-scale comprehensive exhibition area reflects a traditional history, lovely story and modern life, setting up a dialogue between the past and future of the enterprise, and rendering the place with unique features of big screen.

interior space design by Beijing Wuxiang Space Architecture Design Studio

Principle of “precise design expression and high efficient practice” is fully expressed in this project. The designer is successful in seeking a perfect balance between complex floor & functional setting and limited construction time schedule. In 45 days, “one-stop” service is achieved from concept design to scheme confirmation, from construction drawing design to practical completion, from the display design to furniture & artwork locating.

Film Company Office Customization by Beijing Wuxiang Space Architecture Design Studio

interior space design by Beijing Wuxiang Space Architecture Design Studio

Film Company Office Customization by Beijing Wuxiang Space Architecture Design Studio

Film Company Office Customization by Beijing Wuxiang Space Architecture Design Studio

interior space design by Beijing Wuxiang Space Architecture Design Studio

Film Company Office Customization by Beijing Wuxiang Space Architecture Design Studio

interior space design by Beijing Wuxiang Space Architecture Design Studio

Film Company Office Customization by Beijing Wuxiang Space Architecture Design Studio

interior space design by Beijing Wuxiang Space Architecture Design Studio

Film Company Office Customization by Beijing Wuxiang Space Architecture Design Studio

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