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Helios Touch Evolution. Modular Wall Lighting That Matches Your Mood

Helios Touch Evolution. Modular Wall Lighting That Matches Your Mood

Helios Touch Evolution is a modular, touch sensitive wall light. Create any design using the hexagonal tiles. Free your imagination and create displays with over 60 lights. Adjustable for warmth and brightness by holding your hand to the tiles, Helios Touch matches your mood, providing only the light you need.

Modular Wall Lighting That Matches Your Mood

Originally launched in early 2018 to great success, this evolution version raises the bar with increased quality, better light, and stylish design. The tiles feature an internal communications link that allows them all to be controlled from a single touch. The smooth exterior hides hidden connectors which allows power to flow from one piece to another.

Modular Wall Lighting That Matches Your Mood

Previously receiving Kickstarter’s coveted ‘Project of the Day’ award and raising over £125,000, Helios Touch went on to sell over 65,000 lights on Amazon. The team have returned to the crowdfunding platform to launch this next Evolution.

Helios Touch Evolution. Modular Wall Lighting That Matches Your Mood

James Glover, Designer of Helios Touch Evolution, explains:
“The reaction to the first version was amazing. From a standing start we sold $500,000 in 6 months, were approached by major retailers in USA, UK and Europe and invited onto Dragons Den (UK version of Shark Tank). However, we declined the last two as we didn’t feel the product was good enough yet. With Helios Touch Evolution we have combined all the experience of the last few years into a light solution that is smarter, more beautiful and better compliments interior spaces.”

Helios Touch Evolution. Modular Wall Lighting That Matches Your Mood

Artwork or light, Helios Touch Evolution adds excitement and fun to your living or working space, improving quality of light and life. Wherever it is placed, Helios provides a functional and aesthetic diffused light source with a tactile experience. Quickly change the intensity and position of the light to suit the task.

Modular Wall Lighting That Matches Your Mood

Used anywhere, including hotels, offices, bedrooms and kitchens, Helios Touch provides unlimited possibilities for making enchanting and engaging rooms displays. The low voltage LED panels provide a safe, wipe clean wall light for all environments.

Helios Touch Evolution. Modular Wall Lighting That Matches Your Mood

Modular Wall Lighting That Matches Your Mood

Helios Touch Evolution. Modular Wall Lighting That Matches Your Mood

Helios Touch Evolution. Modular Wall Lighting That Matches Your Mood

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